Many women have problems climaxing with the man inside. Fixing that is a little tricky. Once she climaxes easily with your fingers, repeatedly, but doesn't with you inside, try the following: With your finger, manipulate the clitoris lightly WHILE YOUR PENIS IS INSIDE. This takes some acrobatics. You must build an association between climaxing and you being inside. It may take several attempts, like everything else.
There is another way, but most men won't have the guts to try it. With the woman sitting on top, you do what you can, perhaps with her help, to get close to climax. You feed her suggestions, playfully that she's going to come. Then you increase your thrusting and get into some pretty violent strokes so she has trouble staying on top and you give her rapid fire suggestions she's going to come. Jostle her, playfully. The reason this works is you've tied up her conscious mind with keeping her balance and your suggestion goes right into the subconscious which ACTS on it because the conscious mind isn't there to say "I can't come." It's too busy trying to keep her from falling off! Use your hands on her body as well to further tie her mind up. ALWAYS be playful, never violent.
Example of the foregoing: A secretary working for me said she couldn't come with a man inside. I took her on a beach trip, did therapy with her, got in bed, did more therapy and figured it was her own belief that she couldn't that was in the way. So I did the rapid fire stuff as above and she came. She more or less denied it had happened but I knew she had. So I did more and it was only after 7 good orgasms that she admitted she was coming OK. I never went to bed with her again but she married and I questioned her some years later and she said it was still working.
While the following were "hands on" therapy I have done it without touching and had the woman come right in the chair. They had no interest in me at all. This is fairly common technique with hypnotists.
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